Please email if you'd like to join the network. Once we've established a sizeable group of relief teachers, we'll be organising workshops for those who are interested.
"The best educators are the best learners. They can adapt to tomorrow's contexts, technologies, languages" (AITSL)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

ACARA's Civics and Citizenship Draft Shape Paper

If ever there were a time to get involved in the curriculum process, it is now. As the new national curriculum takes form, there are many opportunities for the public to get involved. The Draft Shape of Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship Paper is available for public consultation until this Friday, August 10.

"Civics and Citizenship education is concerned with equipping students with the decision-making skills, values, attitudes, information and understanding they need to participate as informed and active citizens within Australian society"(The National Centre for History Education).

Have a read and report back to ACARA any thoughts or suggestions you might have as teachers or simply concerned citizens.

Click here to read the paper.
Click here to provide feeback.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info!

    Wodonga CRT Support Network Coordinator.
