Please email if you'd like to join the network. Once we've established a sizeable group of relief teachers, we'll be organising workshops for those who are interested.
"The best educators are the best learners. They can adapt to tomorrow's contexts, technologies, languages" (AITSL)

About Us

In 2008 the Victorian Institute of Teaching started a program with the intention of providing an avenue for relief teachers to meet regularly, share information and gain knowledge. They started providing the support and guidance to assist those interested in forming locally based volunteer support networks run by local CRTs for local CRTs.  The VIT doesn't run the networks, each network is an independant group.  To date they have created 25 existing CRT Support Networks and have every intention of offering support to start new networks too. Dawn Colcott, Manager of Professional Learning at the VIT, has written The Professional Identity of Relief Teachers which details the need for and purpose of the CRT networks. 

The Clifton Hill CRT Support Network was established July 2012 within the project office of Lateral Projects in Clifton Hill. This project management firm is conducting the redevelopment of the Museum of Australian Democracy in Eureka. Although the CRT Network is focussed on the Professional Development of relief teachers, there will be opportunities for interested teachers to attend workshops or provide insights into initiatives in relation to the project. 

Please email for more information.

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